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Master Diploma in Su Jok Acu Therapy

Master Diploma in Su Jok Acu Therapy

Education & Training - Online Education & Coaching Services

Service Description

The discovery of the body correspondence systems on the hands and feet brought to existence the sujok therapy method.

Until now we have never ceased to wonder how the hands and feet are similar to the human body in their structure. This is mysterious similarity in deed. And it is especially evident in the structure of the hands which are constantly before our eyes. Probably, this is meant to draw man’s attention and to contribute to the soonest discovery of these systems.

The similarity of the hand to the body carries the intention to bring this knowledge to human beings so that they understand begin to use these correspondence systems for targeted stimulation.

Also, the similarity of the hand to the body plays an exclusive role because it allows to understand that other body parts and internal organs have their own correspondence systems as we. This leads to the conclusion that the Homo-system of the human body does exist, being an integral part of the hierarchical Homo-system of the Universe.

The main objective of this course is to help everyone feel the presence of the Spirit of Love which through the hands and feet informs people about the existence of the Homo-system of the body, to convey knowledge about the standard correspondence systems of the hands and feet and about the possibility of using them on one’s own in order to maintain health. This is exactly the task of Sujok therapy.

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