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Passion Fruit Juice

Restaurants, Food & Beverages - Beverages

Product Description

Passion fruit, known scientifically as Passiflora edulis, is a tropical fruit that boasts a distinctive appearance, captivating both in its vibrant colours and unique shape. It is a fruit of the Passiflora vine, a climbing vine with spectacular flowers. It’s thought that Christian missionaries gave the vine its name when they observed that parts of the flowers resembled Christian teachings about the resurrection of Christ. Culturally, passion fruit flower is the national flower of Paraguay. In 2006, singer-songwriter Paula Fuga released the popular song "Lilikoi", the Hawaiian language word for passion fruit; the song is featured on an album also named after the fruit. Hip-hop artist Drake released the hit song "Passionfruit" in 2017.
In India, the government of Andhra Pradesh started growing passion fruit vines in the Chintapalli (Vizag) forests to make fruit available within the region. The fruit is eaten raw, sprinkled with sugar and is also used to make juice. Passion fruit is also known as “love fruit”, “the king of fruits”, “fruit lover” and “maracuja”. The fruit itself is small to medium-sized, with a round or oval shape. Its outer skin is firm and smooth, ranging in colour from vibrant purple or deep maroon to bright yellow. Some varieties even feature a combination of colours, creating a visually stunning exterior

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