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Aortic Surgery

Aortic Surgery

Business Services - Hospitality & Medical Services

Service Description

Dr. Mangesh Kohale - The Best Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgeon in Mumbai
The increase in young people having heart attacks is dramatically on the rise. This is due to poor lifestyle choices such as lack of exercise and a bad diet and Diabetes.Treatment options was Angioplasty or traditional heart Surgery. Minimal invasive cardiac surgery popularly known as (MICS) is new and much safer procedure now a days. MICS has various benefits: • Less pain • Faster recovery • No cutting of bones • No opening of chest • Short stay at the hospital • Minimal scarring(post operative Keloids) • Less blood loss hence less blood transfusion. 4. Which are the Procedures-can be done with MICS - Valve repair or replacement: . - ASD(hole in heart) - CABG

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