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Little Scholars Daycare Center III

Little Scholars Daycare Center III

Business Services / Business Consulting
  • 104 West End Ave Brooklyn, New York, United States, 11235
  • *******514
  • Li*************@******com
  • Established: N/A

Company Profile

Nursery children nowadays are ready to explore everything. Their skills are becoming vastly refined and their abilities seem limitless. Skills such as turn-taking, playing make-believe, and kicking a ball are now milestones of every child’s development. Little Scholars has put together a curriculum to address each domain of development for an extensive potential of milestone achievements.

Each day children are exposed to audio recordings of songs and nursery rhymes, such as Mary Engelbreit’s Mother Goose Book and CD, to further strengthen their abilities to communicate and improve the use of language in everyday life. Children are given opportunities to play language games, recite simple nursery rhymes, and answer a variety of simple “why” questions before, throughout, and after story readings. This develops reasoning and word-building skills. Our faculty and staff are ready to answer each and every one of the children’s “why” and “how” questions.

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