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Tim D. Hodges Digital Marketing Consulting

Tim D. Hodges Digital Marketing Consulting

Business Services / Business Consulting
  • 55 Dunsmoor Rd, London, Ontario, Canada, N6K 1T6
  • *******995
  • ti*@**********.ca
  • Established: 2007

Company Profile

Without sales your business will die. Even large businesses like Walmart have publicly stated that they couldn’t go a week without customers. If a behemoth business like Walmart can’t go without customers either can you. Whether you call them clients, leads, patients, or something else these people are the lifeblood of every business. Customers are what power business success. They are the ones that generate your businesses income. At the end of the day customers equals money!
We are marketing experts who help generate leads that let your business live, thrive, and grow. We can help make it easier for your future customers to find your business online, improve the sales copy on your website to improve conversions, assist with your print marketing, and also help provide business advice. In SEO our team has a track record of ranking on Google Canada for terms like survival gear, camping gear Canada, cold weather clothing Canada, industrial water filtration, and much, much more (visit our site for a long list of our proven search results). Using just SEO (and no paid ads) our video marketing was able to generate over 850,000 views on YouTube. Our copywriters can help improve your sales copy so that leads find it almost impossible to resist, thereby improving your sales conversion. Don’t have a website yet or in the middle of building one? Perfect! We can help build a website or work with your website developer to help build a website that converts. With 17 years working with small businesses online we have had the opportunity to hear from the customers what their pain points are when trying to buy online. We use these customer insights to help build web pages that get over these customer pain points and lead to advancing the customer further through the sales with less staff interaction. Looking for other avenues for your business? We can help work with you on eBay and Amazon as well. Thinking print? We have you covered there as well. Our graphic designers have developed over a million dollars’ worth of print advertising. Looking to connect to a small number of clients?

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