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MEX Storage

MEX Storage

Business Services / Industrial services
  • Plot No. :- 98, Udyog Kendra :- II, Ecotech :- III, Greater Noida 203 207 (Uttar Pradesh), Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 203207
  • *******808
  • me**********@******com
  • Established: 1986

Company Profile

MEX Storage Systems Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading Slotted Angle Rack Manufacturers in Delhi, offering a premium range of Industrial Racking Systems to provide you with the extra space to stock your goods in your warehousing facility. Our products are handcrafted according to your needs to increase the scope of your existing storage capacity. To grow in the domain, we are continuously scaling new heights to ensure our customers remain happy with our efficient racking solutions.

We employ the best technology, devices and technical skills at our disposal to develop flexible and sophisticated storage equipment. Be it Pallet Rack, Shelving Rack, Warehouse Storage Rack, Cantilever Rack or Mezzanine, you name it we have it. We strictly abide by the industry guidelines at our workshop to offer you all-round racking solutions.

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