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Positive Impact Communications & Training Limited

Positive Impact Communications & Training Limited

Business Services / Others
  • 10 Queen Street , Bourne, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, DN18 5QP
  • *******300
  • in**@*********.uk
  • Established: N/A

Company Profile

Positive Impact are definitely the Media and Communication Skills Training Professionals. Whether or not in a press interview at the time of a crisis in a business presentation on social media sites or the multitude of other settings where we now talk with people who are very important to us our capability to familiarise and convince necessitates elevated conversation skill-sets. Those communication skills can be learned. Positive Impact is a professional communications skills and media training company that makes it possible for people and companies to communicate more effectively and have the ability to create influence. Making it easy for your workforce to discuss their ideas their ethos their achievements and their perspectives is just what we do. With over 15 years' experience working alongside businesses and individuals spanning all industries we have created methods to take care of all the difficulties that face businesses today. Positive Impact offers a variety of training courses workshops and consultancy support that can equip your people to reach out to their target audience and get their message across. Our staff have the response to your questions and we will provide programmes or services to meet your certain outcomes!

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