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Lloyd Long, Criminal Defense Attorney

Lloyd Long, Criminal Defense Attorney

Financial & Legal Services / Legal Advisors & Consultants
  • 1845 Walnut St #525, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19103
  • *******381
  • ll**********@******com
  • Established: 2017
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

Lloyd Long stands as a highly proficient criminal defense attorney in Philadelphia, boasting extensive expertise and a rich history as a former prosecutor, which has fine-tuned his comprehension of the law. With his seasoned professionalism, he can adeptly guide you through the legal process and serve as your devoted advocate. The abundance of options presented during an internet search can be overwhelming, further compounded by sales pitches laden with subtle promises and innuendos, complicating the decision-making process. However, at Lloyd Long's firm, we recognize that everyone is susceptible to making mistakes.

If you have recently been arrested for a DUI offense or any drunk driving-related charge, such as an open container violation, our team of experienced Philadelphia DUI defense lawyers is ready to offer assistance. Our commitment lies in helping you navigate the legal repercussions stemming from an arrest for intoxicated driving in Pennsylvania.

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