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Wrongful Death Lawyer Miami

Wrongful Death Lawyer Miami

Financial & Legal Services
  • 2163 NW 36th St, Miami, Florida, United States, 33142
  • *******329
  • Wr**************@******com
  • Established: N/A

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Wrongful death cases arise when someone is killed as a result of wrongful or careless acts of another person, company, agency, etc. These cases can be hard difficult because it must be shown that the other person’s behavior resulted in the death. Today, we want to look at some common ways we see these cases arise.

Vehicle accidents – there were more than 3,000 fatal vehicle crashes during Florida’s latest reporting year. Many of these deaths were caused by impaired drivers, distracted drivers, and those driving too fast for conditions. When another driver’s negligence causes a fatality, they should be held accountable.

Medical errors – it is hard to believe that medical mistakes are now the third leading cause of death in the US. They happen as a result of medical mistakes, errors when diagnosing patients, surgical errors, infections, and more.

Faulty products – if you look at the government website that tracks current recalls, you will see faulty products in every industry. This in

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