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Ocotillo Trails Family Dentistry

Ocotillo Trails Family Dentistry

Health Care / Dental Equipment
  • 40815 N Ironwood Rd #102, San Tan Valley, AZ 85140, United States, Mesa, Arizona, United States, 85140
  • *******977
  • in**@**************com
  • Established: N/A
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

Root Canal Services are a type of dental procedure that is often necessary to save a tooth from infection. The dentist will remove the infected pulp and fill the tooth with a filling material. The root canal procedure is typically done in two visits. The first visit is called an evaluation visit, where the dentist will take an x-ray and evaluate the tooth for any signs of infection or decay. If there are any signs of infection, then they can perform the root canal procedure on that same day. If not, then they will schedule a second appointment for the procedure to be completed and fillings to be placed in your teeth. If your teeth are healthy, then they will schedule a second appointment to complete the treatment. Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to save a tooth from extraction. Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to save a tooth from extraction. This procedure is usually needed when the pulp (nerve) of the tooth becomes infected or inflamed and must be removed. Root canal treatment can help you save your natural teeth, avoid expensive dental work, and relieve pain and discomfort.
A root canal is an invasive dental procedure that allows the dentist to clean out the pulp tissue inside of your tooth that has been infected or damaged by bacteria. Root canals are typically performed on teeth that have deep cavities or cracks in their surface that cannot be repaired with fillings alone. The purpose of this procedure is to remove the infection so there will not be any future complications with your teeth or gums. The infection that is inside of your tooth can spread to the bone around and below your tooth. This is called a periapical abscess, which can cause severe pain, sensitivity to heat and cold, swelling of the face or jaw, persistent fever and an increased risk of osteomyelitis.The tooth will then be drilled into to access the pulp and other tissues of the tooth. This process is known as "pulpotomy," which means "drying from below." After the tissues are cleaned, any decay that has spread can be removed with a series of smaller drills called burs or curettes. It may take several days for symptoms to resolve following this type of treatment. This procedure uses heat and light to destroy the bacteria and tissue. The laser vaporizes the infected area, killing the bacteria in it. This treatment is generally used on gum disease or receding gums.

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