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Sydney Implant Studio

Sydney Implant Studio

Health Care / Dental Equipment
  • 409/3 Waverley Street, New South Wales, Australia, 2022
  • *******807
  • sy*****************@********com
  • Established: N/A
  • Business Type: Service Provider

Company Profile

Sydney Implant Studio is dedicated purely to implant and All on 4 dentistry and has been helping patients from Sydney and beyond to improve their smiles for more than a decade. The experienced and caring team at the practice is passionate about implant and All on 4 dentistry and are committed to delivering the best possible patient care using the highest quality materials and treatment methods.

Not only is Sydney Implant Studio uniquely dedicated to implant dentistry, it’s led by one of Sydney's most experienced implant dentists. Dr Theo Spyrakis has over 15 years of experience in implant dentistry and has committed his career to finding ways to improve the treatment options for his patients. He has travelled and studied extensively, performs over 550 implant and full mouth reconstruction cases every year and is devoted to his craft and improving the lives of his patients.

With Dr Syprakis at its helm, Sydney Implant Studio is committed to delivering the highest level of care.

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