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Orange Ray

Orange Ray

Health Care / Homeopatic Medicianes
  • New no.13 / Old no.7, Wallace garden 1st St Next to Apollo Hospitals,, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 600006
  • *******211
  • or*********@******com
  • Established: 2012

Company Profile

Orange Ray is a multi-specialty complementary medicine center which houses various healing modalities and therapies. At Orange Ray, we use no chemicals, and surgery-advised patients can be spared the trauma of the knife.

The functional and integrative medicine concept followed by Orange Ray addresses the healthcare needs of the people in a more holistic way rather than a component-based approach. All our treatment methods are formulated to achieve maximum harmony, metabolic balance, and total wellness for our patients.

We, at Orange Ray, understand that many disease processes and ailments manifest as a result of physical, mental, and emotional stress. With our help, you may discover new ways to deal with and conquer any form of stress, in turn relieving you of your ailments and illnesses.

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