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Cadiofrequency Ablation For Cancer

Cadiofrequency Ablation For Cancer

Health Care / Hospital and Clinics
  • 36 Ford St, Brooklyn, New York, United States, 11203
  • *******947
  • ca****************************@******com
  • Established: 2021

Company Profile

Radiofrequency ablation for cancer is a minimally invasive procedure that uses electrical energy and heat to destroy cancer cells. The radiologist uses imaging tests to guide a thin needle through the skin or through an incision and into the cancer tissue. High-frequency energy passes through the needle and causes the surrounding tissue to heat up, killing the nearby cells. Radiofrequency ablation is most commonly used to treat a spot of cancer that is causing problems such as pain or other discomfort, and is generally not used as the primary treatment for most cancers. Radiofrequency ablation is typically considered a treatment option only if you're not a good candidate for surgery for some reason — such as your overall health or the presence of many small tumors in an organ.

Our staff comprises well-trained professionals who work together to bring you the highest healthcare quality in a warm, loving, and compassionate environment.

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