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Spiti Winter - Exclusive Escape

Tour and Travels - Adventure Tours Operators

Product Description

Spiti - The White Wonder As unique as its name, a trip to Spiti Valley is an experience of the ultimate deserted beauty! Separated from fertile Lahaul by the soaring 4551m Kunzum La, the Himalayan region of Spiti is another chunk of Tibet marooned in India. Enjoy the snow-clad vistas of this gorgeous, cold desert. That is exactly what our Winter Edition—Spiti Valley Tour Package for 2024 is all about.
Scattered villages in a saw-toothed moonscape arriving like mirages on your trip to Spiti will surely make you forget about any other panorama you’ve ever seen. The whitewashed mud-brick homes along with the perched Key Monastery look exceptionally out of the world when they are all laced with snow.
Spiti Valley is the place to revive love for the long lost things. This could be sending a postcard from the highest post office in the World, or go fossil hunting in the villages of Spiti. One such fossil village-Langza welcomes you with a life size golden statue of Buddha. The sedimentary rocks of this village hide remains of plants & marine life which are millions of years old. Go see for yourself if you’re lucky enough to spot one!

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